hey everybody hope you guys are healthy


for lunch but I'm not just here eating I'm also here working because I have on me let me take it all my little fanny pack Huawei M60 Pro so I'm going to do a camera comparison between the Huawei M60 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max that's not all against the other American Giant the pixel 8 Pro so I'm going to meet my friend for lunch right here so let's just grab a standard main camera shot for main camera you can see that the iPhone image is darker than the pixel and the Huawei M60 Pro but you know A Brighter Image doesn't mean it's better it's just different color signs but when you zoom in pixel P you can see you can't really see inside the restaurant anymore and the iPhone image is so dark and the pixel image looks good at First Sight but then when you look closely down at the bottom of the shot it's actually really noisy when you look at the Huawei shot it's just cleaner and also an ultra wide camera okay for the ultra wide the first thing you see that the pixels Ultra wide probably has the best balance in terms of the exposure guys because you know Google's doing a lot of computational Photography right here again the iPhone and the Huawei shot it's really dark down here inside a restaurant and the Huawei shot annoyingly my finger got into the frame because the huawe M60 Pros ultra white camera is down here so it's just a poor position over there I don't know if you can see it's a TI Tempo so let's do a zoom into that tempo all the way out there so I'm going to do a 20x zoom of all three cameras okay for this 20x sh we can see that again the colors of the pixel image just pops more than the other two but then I think Google did you know dialed up the contrast a little bit these two images are probably closer to how the scene was in real life when you zoom in a little bit neither of these three shots look that great when you zoom in this close so I know this is not the most scientific test because I'm walking holding a camera with one hand and also

bit better because remember we're shooting against harsh backlights H M60 pro video and H will do a four time z a little bit of a digital prop iPhone 15 Pro Max video time do the pick soy pro video this is like Fusion Thai Cuisine this is Thai style but then there's also Western influence like a baguette that you dip into the egg and there's a Tha condom which includes hot spicy pepper flakes and sugar and uh fish sauce I believe so right here we can see the iPhone image is again the darkest it has the strongest contrast I actually think the iPhone shot looks better here because again this is how the scene looked to my eyes at the time and here is another one neck shot into this building right here all three shots look excellent look at the details in the cloud the exposure is on point and then this is a zoom shot so 3.5x on the huaai 5x elsewhere unfortunately this dude walked away by the time I snaap this photo because I wanted to get the same dude in all three shot but you can see details are really good all three of

4K 30 you can also switch out to a wider field of view so this is M60 Pro main camera it is really really freaking hot right now okay iPhone 15 Pro Max main camera still very hot obviously I'm sweating my ass off right now pixel 8 Pro pixel 8 Pro 4K footage uh really loud right now you know TI just loud all around how do I sound how do I sound okay right here is another main camera shot into a very contrasty scene again the iPhone kept it a little bit darker than the other two but then look at the details in the clouds man they look so good I think if I had to pick I probably like the pixel a image the best but by a hair very little over the Huawei I think the iPhone image finally right here it just looks a little bit gloomy I think these two pop a little bit more if you post on Instagram we have a portrait shot with all three phones so the Huawei M60 Pro portrait uses the telephoto Periscope zoom lens whereas these two are using the main camera and digitally cropping in because both of these phones zoom lens at 5x Zoom it's just too long for portrait you zoom in you can see that the pixel's image it's very soft here around my friend's eyebrows and hairline whereas in the other two is a little bit better but then obviously the Huawei portrait is the best because it is using a dedicated telephoto lens you have better bouet too obviously this is also artificial bouet too but there's a little bit better background compression in the huaa image because it is shooting with a real telepone lens whereas these two are shooting with a wide camera and digitally zooming in okay here I'm inside moving taxi this is a zoom video and I'm going to pop out to the main camera and I'm going to do this with the other two phones too I think all three cameras did a pretty good job but I think the pixel's 5x video look the most crisp but then the pixel Day by station is the worst of the three okay so we have a beautiful sunset let's just uh grab some shots here with every focal link okay Ultra wide image here all three of these did a good job again the iPhone keeps the Shadows the darkest I mean at this point nothing new right here main camera you can see Huawei and the iPhones contrast is a little bit stronger than the pixel we can see that the pixel generally will use computational photography to brght up images a lot right here is a zoom shot iPhone and pixel shooting at at 5x the huaa shooting at 3.5x these all really good images you really have to nitpick to find a winner right here's a selfie I I have no opinion I genuinely hate taking selfies I don't have a face for selfies I don't care about selfies so your call okay so you're watching low light footage with the M60 Pro right now I mean relatively low light anyway there's a lot of cars but you know the street itself is pretty dark watching light footage with iPhone and pixel right now I mean well to be low light anyway the street is pretty dark but then you know so watching low light footage with iPhone and pixel right now I mean relatively low light anyway the street is pretty dark but then you know okay first thing I want to mention is that the Huawei m64 snapped this image just like that automatically whereas the iPhone and the pixel needed to turn on night mode so you can see that the pixel actually has a little bit of motion blur with the motorcyclist because it needed to turn on night mode the Hua M60 Pro will probably do a better job it has that variable aperture too that can get as fast as f1.4 so the most wide openen aperture I can take in the most light moving on to the ultra wide again all three of these did a pretty good job I think the pixel you see a little bit of blown out highlights and soft details right here at the edges I think the iPhone and huawe is are better than the pixel this is a 10x Zoom shot all three look pretty good but you see noticeable noise whereas the huawe image is clean I mean look at it right here is main camera and we can see all

because ultimately what makes a good image is subjective now I know the Hua M60 Pro is a very controversial phone it's a very devisive phone but for the rest of you guys you just care about good Tech I think it's awesome that all three of these phones have really good cameras and particular the iPhone 15 Pro Max has improved so much because even a year or two years ago I would always rank the iPhone cameras below the best Android like I thought the best Huawei best xiaomi best pixel just beat the iPhone but the iPhone 15 for Max has improved a lot and you know a lot of reviewers are going to call it the phone of the year and I probably would not disagree although I personally like the pixel 8 Pro Camera the best of the three right now my favorite camera overall is still the xiaomi 13 Ultra and you ask why I didn't bring that phone out for testing is because I only have two hands you know carrying three phones and a camera is already difficult enough I can't carry another pH you know like it's just too much work but if you enjoy this content please subscribe to my channel I do a lot of these tests and I will do more including probably the xiaomi 14 pro very very soon so please stay tuned that's it for now thanks