Nikon D5300 Camera


hear a lot of you guys want the specs the features and the build quality of a high-end DSLR but you want all of that on a budget well the Nikon d50 300 is exactly that and I think it's the perfect camera for most of you so without further ado let's get right into it and see if this is your new camera also just to let you guys know there's a link down below for the absolute best deal on this camera so if you're interested be sure to check that out so first things first let's

not have that so it makes the photos that much sharper but it does have a bit of an issue with the video we'll get into that later and it does a 5 frames per second which isn't like SuperDuper high but what really impresses me is that it does a hundred shots before having to stop check this out  it will chug a little bit in the middle but it will keep going until you get to a hundred shots that part is very very impressive on this camera and because of that little bit of a slowdown in the middle I wouldn't say it's a consistent 5 frames per second I would say it's more of a 3 or 3.5 frames per second but that should be plenty fast from those people going on vacation a hobby is that where you're shooting your friends and your kids but if you are shooting sports and wildlife photography I don't think this camera will be fast enough for you I would say the D 7,500 trust me on this that thing is a beast and shoots like there's no tomorrow and

feature if you're feeling lazy ask for video this camera does a really solid job it is full HD all the way from 23 up to 60 frames per second so you do get a little bit of room for slow motion plus it has a neutral picture profile built right in so you can use that picture profile to play with your colors and adjust exposure in post so it does give you plenty of options when it comes to video and it has a built-in microphone Jack HDMI up but you could really rig this thing up to be a proper video machine plus flip screen if you do want to vlog with it you totally can I think the only thing that really holds this camera back is the autofocus in video honestly the autofocus is like a Vin Diesel movie it's trash next let's talk

camera I would say is like 9 out of 10 it's very fast very reliable if you have things coming towards you or going away from you it will keep them in focus that focus generally is pinched sharp I've never really seen the autofocus in this camera go bad except in low-light situations if this thing worked in low-light honestly 10 out of 10 the autofocus in terms of photos is superb but when it comes to video as I said previously it's like a Vin Diesel movie it is trash it does not work well you can really see the images going way out of focus then into focus it hunts it's just not very good in this lens which is the kit lens really isn't made for pulling smooth autofocus you can kind of see it'll go like yeah video just forget about it when it comes to auto focusing auto focusing for photo 10 on a 10 though quick sidenote the autofocus in this camera really should not deter you if you're a cinematic or travel filmmaker because most of the time you guys are pulling your own focus anyways the only people I really wouldn't recommend this to is probably vloggers or documentary filmmakers because you don't really have time to pull your own focus but this is a very solid video machine and if you can pull your own focus this camera at this price is a super good deal also this is kind of a niche topic that I know some of you guys really care how's this camera in the low and sad to say this is not a low-light camera it is a very very very solid camera but I really recommend having plenty of light with it I really wouldn't push this camera past like a thousand or 1600 ISO for both photo and video in photos it's much more forgiving you can really clean up your noise but video it's not that easy when it comes to low light and high so work I really don't recommend this camera

really really impressed by it it's made of the carbon fiber and polymer mix which makes this camera super light yet super robust it's got this beautiful rubber grip all the way around it so wherever you hold the camera that rubber grip is right there and gives you just a little bit more friction and just a little bit more of a grip when holding this camera I really appreciate that even the lenses texture so even when you're changing your focal lens there's a little bit of a texture on the lens to just make everything ergonomically well suited well built for a shooter the buns are really really well laid out I can pretty much access anything with just my right hand ergonomically this camera is fantastic overall this cameras really premium and feels really well built I feel like it's not gonna fall apart on me these buns are gonna last the dolls are gonna last it's weather sealed so I feel comfortable taking this camera anywhere the only small issue that I have with a design of this camera is this grip right here I feel like it's a little bit too shallow someone who has bigger hands like me I can't really get a good grip on it it's not the end of the world it's not really a deal breaker for me personally but it's something to keep an eye out for if you do have big hands and you want like a better grip on your camera I recommend maybe picking up a camera strap from Amazon just to keep a better grip on your camera and a big positive that I have to mention about this camera is the battery it is pretty pretty impressive it's about an 1,100 milliamp battery it's about half the size of your iPhone battery but this battery will last me all day for both photos and video it's a super impressive battery considering how small this camera is and that battery isn't that big on its own it's a fairly tiny battery but it will last you all day but a quick side note I do recommend picking up a spare battery they're fairly cheap on Amazon you don't want to run out of batteries so at the

camera and for anyone watching this video that wants a good video camera at this price point I really recommend looking at the Canon m50 it's about $650 with the lens and has really good solid video autofocus it has the Canon dual pixel autofocus that in my opinion is probably the second best auto focus system in the industry right now you could get a Sony camera but those are like several thousand dollars hey guys

this camera or anything you discuss on back to every single one of you as always thank you so much for following and like inscribed for future content